
Tuesday, 18 November 2014


In school you can achieve many things if you try. During school you get to learn and share things that you haven't learned before. As for students you need to work hard and never give up no matter what you are doing.

You have teachers that help you learn at school. Teachers are well educated and they really help you when you are stuck with something. The teachers at school help you, that’s just what they do.

Being at school is really important for you. Its good for your brain and it helps you learn more things and you can become intelligent. It also helps you to create good habits, such as, making sure that you are on task at school and you're doing the right thing at the right time in the right place.

You don't want to get in trouble for doing something that you have done wrong. Learn from your mistakes and be a role model at school. School really helps you and teachers co-operate with you to make sure that you make sure that you are on task and learn more instead of doing nothing and mucking around. That’s not what teachers are there for.

They are here for your learning. And they don't have to waste their time helping you if you don't want to learn anything. No one will be able to  help you at all. So be a role model and remember learn and you can achieve anything. Never give up.

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