
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Future Aspirations!

To Miharo Hoki
Amelia - Fashion Label
Andrew Patterson
Anthony S
Try your best
Never give up
Do good in life

Today at Pt England school, the teachers had exciting news for us. We had 4 inspiring and intelligent people come into the senior block to talk about  future aspirations. It was held in the street. The names of those 4 special people are Paula Fakalata, Amelia Unufe, Anthony Samuels and Andrew Patterson.

Speaking first was Anthony Samuels. He was talking about his life when he was involved in a kids show called ‘What Now’. It was a long time ago. And he was also talking about ‘To Miharo Hoki’, which means ‘You are amazing’. Anthony has also worked for many people. He has worked for Jason Gunn and Simon Barnett.

Next speaking was a guy by the name of Paula Fakalata. Paula is a presenter for a group called ‘Attitude’. He was talking to us about what he does and how we need to try our best in everything. He was also funny. He was talking to us about his funny stories to us and he was really entertaining.

Last to speak was Amelia Unufe. She was talking about fashion. She had a passion for fashion and clothes. Amelia really wants to do her own fashion label. Amelia is Tongan and she had an interest for clothes, fabric and sewing too. She plans to do her own business for clothes. She also had support from other people to encourage her to do better.

Overall we were glad how they felt and told us what they want to do in the future. Those 4 people came and they taught us about something in life. We have to make good decisions and make sure that we always try our best at everything.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Thank you letter: Shantna

Dear Shantna,

I would like to say a big thank you for your help. Without your help we wouldn't have gone on the trip. Thank you for giving up your time and supporting us on the trip.  A big thanks for your help on the trip to the Auckland Museum. You were really helpful and you were funny as well.

We were glad that you came on the trip because you were a very good parent helper. I was really hoping you were going to be in my group. And you were. I have never had a funny and independent parent in my life. You were really kind and its was a pleasure having you .

I really liked when we were all listening to you sometimes at the moment. As the girls going up and down and the boys wandering around I think that our group was pretty good with you. We were co operating as a team and helping each other when we were all stuck on something all because of you.

But anyways again thank you very much. You have been the best parent helper. So thank you and I hope you can come on another trip with us some time. Thanks for supporting us, we appreciate it.

Yours Sincerely
Nikita (Class 2)

Monday, 24 November 2014

My Weekends!

During the weekends i had so much fun on Sunday. As me and my family were getting up early in the morning. My dad decided that we should go out and have a bike ride at the BMX course.

So we quickly got up and got dressed and make sure that we had water incase we get thirsty. And then we starting riding our bikes while my mum and my 2 little brothers were in the pram walking.

As we arrived at the course, me and my brother went on the course and we were going to race. My dad shouted “ 1 2 3 GO!”.  Off we went on the track. We were going up hills that were dangerous and going down hills which was the fun part, and around a curved part on the track and then to the finish line.

My brother was catching up to me but i was too good for him to beat me. I was winning and he was at the back and he was angry at me because he was slow and i was faster. I won. I was so happy my family was cheering for me and i was so proud that i won.

We left the track and came back home and had something to eat. We had pizza with hot chips. We ate in our garage and played some pool. Pool is not the pools that you go to its a pool table. We ate and after we finished eating then we played some pool and we were listening to music.

I was playing against my dad in pool. I was so close to beating him but then i lost. My dad has been practising and we have so much fun. My dad does tricks to get his pool balls in, because he tries to be funny and he is. He makes us laugh and he dances crazy.

Overall it was fun and my dad was really entertaining. That had been the best day of my life with my family. I was so happy that we got to do something fun. I had a blast and so did my family. Next week on Sunday we are going to do it again!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


In my family i have 4 siblings. They are all boys, and there names are Tyson, Dartanian, Jaedyn and Hunter the youngest. I also have a mum named Josephine and a dad named Murphy. My mum is 34 years of age and my dad is 39 years of age.

I am the only girl in my family it really stinks not having another sister. I would really want a sister but you can't hope that its a girl. I am 12 years old and i am the oldest out of my 4 brothers. I am a very lucky girl i have two cute brothers that i take care of and i love my other brothers and my dad and mum.

Our culture is Niuean. My mum is from the island of Tamakautoga and Avasele. Also my dad is from the island of Lakepa. We love learning our language its really good that we learn. If we learn we know how to speak to other people that speak to us in our language.

Me and my family love going to the beach and having fun. We also love going to birthdays. We do traditional things on special occasions.  We have island things like we make island food we make things and sew things. There are many things that we create . I love being a Niuean.

In my whole entire family i have heaps of cousins, uncles and aunties. All of them know me and I know them. They love me for who I am and i love them too. I love my family, because they cheer me up when I am down and i love when they cheer me up.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


In school you can achieve many things if you try. During school you get to learn and share things that you haven't learned before. As for students you need to work hard and never give up no matter what you are doing.

You have teachers that help you learn at school. Teachers are well educated and they really help you when you are stuck with something. The teachers at school help you, that’s just what they do.

Being at school is really important for you. Its good for your brain and it helps you learn more things and you can become intelligent. It also helps you to create good habits, such as, making sure that you are on task at school and you're doing the right thing at the right time in the right place.

You don't want to get in trouble for doing something that you have done wrong. Learn from your mistakes and be a role model at school. School really helps you and teachers co-operate with you to make sure that you make sure that you are on task and learn more instead of doing nothing and mucking around. That’s not what teachers are there for.

They are here for your learning. And they don't have to waste their time helping you if you don't want to learn anything. No one will be able to  help you at all. So be a role model and remember learn and you can achieve anything. Never give up.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Writing Test 2014 Unedited

Kindness, Sharing, Friends, Help, Co-Operating, Friendship,Protect,Partnership, Caring, Happy, Joyful, Feelings, Believing ....

Para 1: How to be a good friend
Para 2:  Why its important to be a good friend
Para 3: Why do you need to be a good friend
Para 4: How to help out your friend if they are in trouble
Para 5: Conclusion

Part of being a good friend is talking to one another. Being a good friend is like caring and helping them out. To just show them that you care and you know how they feel. Making sure that you are always helping your friends out its better to be kind to each other.

Its important to be a good friend because you care about someone, that cares for you. Thats being a true friend and you really care about one another as much as they care for you. When you help someone out they’ll return a favour and help you out whenever you're in trouble.

Why do you need to be a good friend you ask? Well you need to be a good friend to pretty much everyone. Even if you dont know them and they are in trouble still help them out and care. Believing in yourself you can help anyone.

If your friend is in a serious situation then you need to help immediately.  Just help out anyone who's in trouble just go and help. Co-operate with them and know how they feel. Being a role model helping people and caring for them makes friends really happy. What a true friend you are.

You see being a good friend is always looking out for each other . Care for other people`s feelings. You know how they feel and what they have been through. So its better to be a true friend then not helping them out. Be a good role model and help out people. Look out for one another, Be kind.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


What is fireworks you ask? Well fireworks are things that set up into the sky with a boom! When fireworks are lit up and into the sky there is a boom and different colours of different fireworks coming out of sticks and many more.

Fireworks a things that get lightened up and set off into the sky. Fireworks happens once a year on the 5th of November. Guy fawkes is for children to enjoy and have fun on this special occasion.

Every year some people decide if they want to do fireworks or not. Maybe your family would love to watch other fireworks light and set off if you're not doing fireworks.

If there was one fireworks I had to choose I probably choose black cat. Because it looks cool. And it has a lot of different things that you won’t expect. I love their neon lights because they are fun and cool. There are many more brands but I had to choose black cat.

Auckland Museum.!

When most people go to the Auckland Museum they usually see carvings, sculptures, paintings and many more. The Year 7s at Pt England school recently went on a trip to the Auckland Museum to get inspired by the fantastic art at the Museum.

There are many things that you can discover in the Auckland Museum. There are different types of art from a long time ago. There will be art from decades ago.  

When you go to the museum you usually discover art, sculptures, carvings and many more. When you go to the museum there are different art galleries and many sculptures and carvings.

In the pacific galleries there were sections to section off different galleries that you could go in to. There was a samoan section, tongan section, cook island section and many more.
At the museum we got to discover different types of art that we never go to see before. We saw different types of art that are from different countries around the world. Like Asia, samoa, tonga, cook island and more.