
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Narrative Story.

Once there was a Woman and her name was Lucy, and she was a pilot. She  worked for her boss Jack and his twin brother Jake. They were both born on..........  ( wait what am I talking about ,oh who cares).

Anyway where was I oh yes Lucy had another sister who liked playing tricks on her and her name is Mary. Mary was in charge of replacing Lucy if he was sick or not feeling well. By the way, Mary likes playing tricks on Lucy.

One day the Sun was shining and the birds were flying and Mary was awake early because she wanted to pull another one of her silly little tricks on Lucy.

So she went and blocked her ears with these kind of soft fluffy headphones or something yeah and she glued Lucy`s  curtains together and left the room.

Mary was so cheeky that he was replacing Lucy. She left by Quickly eating breakfast, rushing to take a shower and dressing very fast. Mary was rushing out of the house and she drove off to the airport to pick up the 30 people that were waiting to all go to Miami for a little trip to see what it was like.
When Mary got to the airport she rushed into the set where Lucy use to sit and she said “Climb aboard” said Mary while she was thinking about her poor sis Lucy.

            To Be Continued.........

Friday, 25 October 2013

My Narrative Story.


Once in a big farm where you can plant things and take care of your animals, there was a young man and his name was Billy. He travelled around all around the world and he tried new things around each country. So far he`s been to Africa,Argentina,Brazil and all those counties.And he wanted to go to see a farm because he hasn't seen a farm before.

However the owner of this farm was Bob and his assistant Stan,who did everything to save his old plants and he would make trouble to anyone who plants new plants on his lawn.At some point there was this lovely kind lady who loved plants and she wanted to make new plants but you know who will stop her,RIGHT BOB!.

The next day Billy was waiting for his plan to come and pick him up from Brazil,he was sweating and  his heart was beating fast. Finally his plan came and picked him up and went off flying in the air to see a farm. When Billy was in the air he saw the farm and his driver was sleeping and so he did not know what to do.So there was a emergency getaway.And so he jumped off the plan and went flying in the air.

Flying in the air Billy didn't know what to do so he remembered that he had a parachute on his back and he pulled it and suddenly he was  floating. Untitled he landed he ran and looked all around the country. Suddenly he meet this young women and her name was  Jasmine.She greeted him with delight “Hello my name is Jasmine and I am a country girl,How do you do?”

Jasmine said greatly.”Let me introduce myself,my name is Billy and what a fine country you have? Billy said looking into the eyes of sweet eyes.”I know its amazing right.”  Jasmine said as she was stroking her lovely black hair. “Why do you have not that much plants in your farm?”Billy said mischievously. “Well you see there is this mean trouble maker, who loves his plants and  he wont let us plant any new ones.” Jasmine said as she was disappointed.


Thursday, 24 October 2013

My Unedited Writing.

 This is the first draft of my story.It is an unedited Version
Once in a big farm where you can plant things and take care of your animals, there was a young man and his name was Billy. He was a traveller who travelled all around the world. Plus he tried new stuff from all sorts of country.

However the owner of this farm was Bob and his assistant Stan,who did everything to save his old plants and he would make trouble to anyone who plants new plants on his lawn.At some point there was this lovely kind lady who loved plants and she wanted to make new plants but you know who will stop her right BOB!

In one and hot day stuck on a plane for hours .Billy saw another country and he wanted to stop but he couldn't . So Bill went to the bathroom and there was an emergency getaway button, and guess what Billy pushed it.

Flying in the air Billy didn't know what to do so he remembered that he had a parachute on his back and he pulled it and floated. Untitled he landed he ran and looked all around the country. Suddenly he meet this young women and her name was lovely Jasmine.She greeted him with delight “Hello my name is Jasmine and I am a country girl,How do you do?”

Jasmine said greatly.”Let me introduce myself,my name is Billy and what a fine country you have? Billy said looking into the eyes of sweet eyes.”I know its amazing right.”  Jasmine said as she was stroking her lovely black hair. “Why do you have not that much plants in your farm?”Billy said mischievously. “Well you see there is this mean trouble maker, who loves his plants and  he wont let us plant any new ones.” Jasmine said as she was disappointed.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Free Blog Writing.

Once upon a time there lived a overweight police officer who lived in a the forest with his wife and his two girls named Jasmine and Katie. Jasmine and Katie's dad Bob worked really hard on his work at the police station.

One morning Jasmine and Katie were getting ready for school and dad was busy showering and while he was showering he was shaving his hair.When he got out of the shower he accidently fell and slipped and so he shaved off his whole hair and he looked into the mirror and he saw this ugly person in the mirror with a whole hair shaved.”Honey,breakfast is ready.” happily said mum. “I will be right there.” screamed dad. As he went to the kitchen he went and sat down on the table his two girls and his wife all looked at him and they were like SHOCKED!.

“Daddy,ummmm what is that on your head” Jasmine and Katie said while stroking their hair. “What..... theres nothing wrong” dad said while leaving the table. Bob got into the car and went to drop off Jasmine and Katie off to school. Finishing dropping off Jasmine and Katie,as soon as he got to work he got out of the car and when he entered the police station his workmates could not stop laughing they were laughing like there pants were on fire. There was a hahahahahah over here and a hahahahahahahaha over there, THERE WAS LAUGHING EVERYWHERE.

WHAT....... WHAT.... WHAAAAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT YOU BIG UMPALUMPA`s” screamed Bob. Even his boss  was laughing at his shaved hair. “You know what.. I QUIT!” said dad angrily. So Bob left the building and went home with shame on his face. “Hi honey how was your day at work today?” mum said politely “I quit my job because... I do not want to talk about it” dad said going to his room. Once again dad forgot to pick up Jasmine and Katie from school and neither mum did not know that he forgot because mum was busy working to much for the dinner that the girls get to meet their grandma and grandpa.

        TO BE CONTINUED DA DA DA DAAAA..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!